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SCALE v6.1.1

This release of SCALE is unsupported. Please click here for the current production release.


SCALE 6.1.1 Updates

CENTRM (Updated in SCALE 6.1.1, May 23, 2012)

CENTRM was updated to correct an issue that can lead to non-conservative keff values when using the 44-group ENDF/B-V data with CENTRM for high-leakage models with trace-element number densities below ~10‑9 atoms/barn-cm when running SCALE 5.1–SCALE 6.1.  The effect on the 238-group ENDF/B-V, VI, and VII libraries is minimal. There is no effect on continuous-energy Monte Carlo calculations. 

In the dozens of test cases examined thus far, the discrepancy appears only in cases that meet ALL of the following conditions.

  1. Calculations are performed with SCALE 5.1, 6.0 or 6.1.
  2. The number density of at least one nuclide has a small fractional concentration of 10-8 or less relative to the total mixture number density. Typically this corresponds to an absolute concentration less than ~10-9 to 10-10 atoms/barn-cm, but greater than zero.  
  3. The SCALE 44-group ENDF/B-V library or a user-generated broad group library with few groups in the U-238 resolved resonance range (1 eV-4 KeV) is used.
  4. CENTRM is used for resonance self-shielding. This is the default behavior in SCALE 6.1, but NITAWL processing is the default behavior for SCALE 5.1 and 6.0 for the ENDF/B-V cross-section data, so the user must explicitly request CENTRM processing to observe the discrepancy with SCALE 5.1 or 6.0.
  5. The system is sensitive to the high-energy portion of the resolved range, which most commonly occurs for high-leakage systems. Low-leakage criticality and depletion models examined realized only a minimal impact.

Impact of CENTRM error on computed results:

  1. Continuous-energy KENO calculations do not use CENTRM and are not affected.
  2. The impact for all 238-group calculations examined thus far is small, on the order of a few pcm. 
  3. Eigenvalues and isotopic concentrations computed for the 44-group ENDF/B-V depletion cases examined are not significantly affected, because these are low-leakage systems [reflected lattice geometries]. For most cases that meet all of the above criteria, including burned fuel criticality safety calculations that include small concentrations of fission products, the discrepancy introduces an error on the order of 100 pcm.

In a contrived case that artificially introduces a trace material into a plutonium nitrate system, a discrepancy of ~3% delta-k between the SCALE 6.1 and corrected SCALE 6.1.1 result has been observed.  However, the SCALE development team has not observed an experimental benchmark or operational safety-related problem that exhibits an error on the order of this contrived numerical case.

After applying the patch, users should repeat any calculations where this discrepancy could affect results.

Lattice Physics Enhancements (Updated in SCALE 6.1.1, May 23, 2012)

Several minor updates for lattice physics calculations have been included for TRITON and NEWT. Users will realize improved performance where these specific features are utilized. The following issues have been resolved.

  1. Homogenization of kinetic parameters in NEWT: The delayed neutron fraction, beta, is currently homogenized by forward fission weighting. In this formulation, beta should be weighted by the nu-fission reaction rate. The current coding uses the fission reaction rate (i.e., without the nu). Users should expect differences in the homogenized values of kinetic parameters, which will impact subsequent transient analysis.
  2. TRITON TRACE Block: An issue was identified using the TRACE block in TRITON. The TRACE block now supports any nuclide in the ORIGEN light-element library. Previously in SCALE 6.1, only trace amounts of nuclides from the AMPX cross-section library could be added to depletion materials. The ORIGEN light-element library contains more nuclides than are available in the AMPX cross-section library.
  3. Depletion File ft71f001 Index Listing: TRITON provides an output edit for a table of contents of the data in the ORIGEN nuclide inventory file (i.e., ft71f001). This file can be used in follow-on ORIGEN-ARP and OPUS analyses. It was identified that the record numbers were not properly displayed for the two cumulative datasets (system-sum of materials and selected-sum of materials). This edit was corrected.
  4. KENO Depletion Message: TRITON increases the user-defined KENO parameters NSK and GEN for depletion analysis. A message was added to the TRITON output to notify users of the modified values.
  5. NEWT ARRAY block:  Two issues were addressed for the NEWT ARRAY block. An error message was added in the case where an array is used in the model geometry without being defined in the ARRAY block.  Second, a code bug was removed so that the model geometry may include multiple placements of the same array definition.
  6. CENTRM Cross-section processing defaults: TRITON supports several sets of CENTRM cross-section processing defaults: parm=2regionparm=centrm, and parm=(xslevel=1/2/3/or 4). An error was identified in depletion calculations if the user supplied parm=centrm.  In this case, TRITON continued to use the depletion default set, which has been slightly modified to decrease run-time without significantly impacting depletion analysis. This error was resolved in this patch. For depletion calculations (i.e. =t-depl=t-depl‑1d=t5-depl=t6-depl) that use parm=centrm, users can expect a small deviation (~50 pcm change in multiplication factor as a function of burnup) and slightly longer run-times for depletion models that utilize the parm=centrm option when using the SCALE 6.1.1 update.

MAVRIC/Monaco Enhancements (Updated in SCALE 6.1.1, May 23, 2012)

A few minor issues were identified with the SCALE fixed-source Monte Carlo code Monaco and an associated utility, especially related to seldom-used optional features. Users should review any results produced with these features using SCALE 6.1.

  1. When specifying the special distribution pwrNeutronAxialProfileReverse or pwrGammaAxialProfileReverse for a spatial source distribution, the un-reversed profile was erroneously returned.
  2. The sum of the point detector group-wise results may be higher than the point detector energy-integrated (total) results. The reported total is correct. The group-wise values are high due to rejecting negative contributions (which happen a small fraction of the time due to the multigroup energy/angle physics).
  3. If a source specification utilizes different Watt spectra distributions in multiple sources, the energies sampled for one source may include energies from the wrong distribution.
  4. The utility program mim2wwinp does not format MCNP *.wwinp files correctly for photon-only problems.  MCNP interprets a *.wwinp with only one particle listed as neutrons, even in a "mode p" problem. The *.wwinp file produced by SCALE needs to specifically identify that there are 0 neutron groups for photon-only problems.

ORIGEN Data Enhancements (Updated in SCALE 6.1.1, May 23, 2012)

Three issues are corrected within the ORIGEN depletion and decay libraries.

  1. origen.rev03.jeff200g – The energy group boundaries of the 200-group JEFF-based ORIGEN library were inadvertently generated using constant lethargy boundaries instead of the boundaries of the SCALE 200-neutron and 47-gamma group cross section libraries. The library was regenerated to include the corrected boundaries. No other changes were made.  All calculations performed with the previous version of the jeff200g library should be discarded and repeated with the current library.
  2. The fission product yield library used by COUPLE was modified to include ternary yields of H-3, He-3, and He-4 based on data from the JEF-2.2 fission yield library. In the previous library these fission products are only generated as by-products of neutron reactions other than fission, and not directly from fission.  Cumulative yields are applied for H-3 and He-4, and direct yields are used for He-3 since it is a decay product of H-3. Direct yields for He-3 are zero for all fission nuclides.
  3. The ORIGEN decay libraries were updated to provide correct natural abundances of several elements. Previously, the use of natural isotopic abundances (NEX1=4) for input element concentrations entered in gram units may have resulted in incorrect isotopic concentrations for Mg, Ge, Kr, Sr, and Te. If atom units (gram atoms) were used, incorrect isotopic concentrations may have occurred for F, Na, Mg, Al, P, Sc, Mn, Co, Ge, As, Kr, Sr, Y, Nb, Rh, Te, I, Cs, Pr, Tb, Ho, Tm, and Au. The libraries and origen.rev02.end7dec were updated.

KENO-VI Hexagonally-Pitched Arrays (Updated in SCALE 6.1.1, May 23, 2012)

KENO-VI was updated to correct an issue that occasionally caused a calculation to fail when tracking in a hexagonally-pitched array.  Previous calculations that encountered this error failed, and the results of other calculations are not affected.

Other Enhancements (Updated in SCALE 6.1.1, May 23, 2012)

The SCALE 6.1 distribution included some sample problem output data that were generated with a prerelease version of SCALE and were not consistent with those produced by the final release of SCALE 6.1. Additionally, some of the sample problems were verified using output that included timing information, such as Figure of Merit data from Monte Carlo calculations. This update provides revised .out and .table files for all sample problems, updates in the XML files that drive the sample problems, corrections in platform-specific information in three Windows sample problem inputs, and provides an updated differencing tool that is used for comparing sample problem outputs.

Additionally, KENO3D and OrigenArp example files that are referenced in some publications but were not included in SCALE 6.1 are also installed with this update, and an updated version of GeeWiz is provided to correct minor issues.


The following files will be installed, regardless of platform


CMakeTPL.txt         Windows_x86

CopyBack.xml         cmake

Darwin               cmds

GeeWiz               data

Keno3d               output

Linux_i686          samples-windows_x86.xml

Linux_x86_64         samples.xml

OrigenArp           script

ScaleRunResources.xml     smplprbs

Windows_amd64        src



bin  data



bonamist  mavric    origen         triton

cajun          mim2wwinp reorg          triton6

centrm    monaco    sams5

couple    newt      sams6

kenovi    newt-omp  scale






GeeWiz.exe GeeWizHelp.chm



Examples  keno3d.exe



Asmile.inp          cross.inp

Cube0.inp           cruciform_cyls.inp

Ga4-TruckCask.inp    cube_ecyl.inp

HOLE4.INP           cubecyl1.inp

HOLE5.INP           grotesque2.inp

HopperWithChords.inp hemicyls_nested.inp

KENO10.INP          saxton792.inp

KENO12.INP          sheba-detail-k6.inp

KENO2.INP           sheba-detail-k6.kmt

Sphere8Cut.inp       sheba.inp

annular_hex_array.inp     sheba.kmt

array7.inp          sheba.out

container2.inp      y_30degree.inp




bin  data



bonamist  mavric    origen    triton

cajun          mim2wwinp reorg          triton6

centrm    monaco    sams5

couple    newt      sams6

kenovi    newt-omp  scale






bin  data



bonamist  mavric    origen    scale

cajun          mim2wwinp reorg          triton

centrm    monaco    runner    triton6

couple    newt      sams5

kenovi    newt-omp  sams6









Balakova2-15.arp     bm1.arp

Demonstration.arp    bm1.mox

Magnox-a.arp         oecd-ivb.arp

UO2ExpressDemo1.arp  oecd-ivb.mox

UO2ExpressDemo1.uo2  vv440.arp




bin  data



bonamist.exe   mavric.exe o    rigen.exe triton.exe

cajun.exe      mim2wwinp.exe  reorg.exe triton6.exe

centrm.exe      monaco.exe      sams5.exe

couple.exe      newt-omp.exe   sams6.exe

kenovi.exe      newt.exe       scale.exe






bin  data



bonamist.exe   mavric.exe o    rigen.exe triton.exe

cajun.exe      mim2wwinp.exe  reorg.exe triton6.exe

centrm.exe      monaco.exe      sams5.exe

couple.exe      newt-omp.exe   sams6.exe

kenovi.exe      newt.exe       scale.exe






IntelCXXFlags.cmake  IntelFortranFlags.cmake



cpexec    lib






aliases              origen.rev04.maphnobr

origen.rev03.end7dec origen.rev04.maphuo2b

origen.rev03.jeff200g     origen_data

origen.rev04.maphh2ob     scale.messages





Nix                       k6smp07.out

Windows                   k6smp08.out

arp.out                   k6smp09.out

arplib-reorg.out               k6smp10.out

bonami.out                k6smp11.out

c5toc6.out                k6smp12.out

caas.kenovi.out           k6smp13.out

caas.mavricA.out               k6smp14.out

caas.mavricB.out               k6smp15.out

cecsas5_1.out             k6smp16.out

cecsas5_2.out             k6smp17.out

cecsas5_4.out             k6smp18.out

cecsas5_5.out             k6smp19.out

cecsas5_6.out             k6smp20.out

cecsas6_1.out             k6smp21.out

cecsas6_2.out             k6smp22.out

cecsas6_3.out             k6smp23.out

cecsas6_4.out             k6smp24.out

cecsas6_5.out             k6smp25.out

cecsas6_6.out             k6smp26.out

cecsas6_7.out             k6smp27.out

cecsas6_8.out             kenova.out

cek5smp01.out             kenovi.out

cek5smp02.out             kmart5.out

cek5smp03.out             kmart6.out

cek5smp04.out             mavric.caskAnalogn.out

cek5smp06.out             mavric.caskAnalogp.out

cek5smp07.out             mavric.caskCADISn.out

cek5smp08.out             mavric.caskCADISp.out

cek5smp09.out             mavric.graphiteCADIS.out

cek5smp10.out             mavric.isfsi.out

cek5smp11.out             mavric.lithoFW.out

cek5smp12.out             mavric.tn24p.out

cek5smp13.out             mavricUtilities1.out

cek5smp14.out             mavricUtilities2.out

cek5smp15.out             mavricUtilities3.out

cek5smp16.out             mcdancoff.out

cek5smp18.out             monaco.d2oSphereA.out

cek5smp19.out             monaco.d2oSphereB.out

cek5smp20.out             monaco.graphite.out

cek5smp21.out             monaco.howitzer.out

cek5smp22.out             monaco.ironSphere.out

cek5smp23.out             newt1.out

cek5smp24.out             newt2.out

cek5smp25.out             newt3.out

cek5smp26.out             newt4.out

cek5smp27.out             newt5.out

cek5smp28.out             nitawl.out

cek5smp29.out             opus.out

cek5smp30.out             origen.out

cek5smp31.out             picture.out

cek5smp32.out             prism.out

cek5smp33.out            qadcggp.out

cek6smp01.out             qads.out

cek6smp02.out             sas1a.out

cek6smp03.out             sas1b.out

cek6smp04.out             sas1c.out

cek6smp06.out             sas1d.out

cek6smp07.out             sas1e.out

cek6smp08.out             sas1f.out

cek6smp09.out             sas1g.out

cek6smp10.out             sas1h.out

cek6smp11.out             smores_evref.out

cek6smp12.out             smores_maxk.out

cek6smp13.out             smores_minmas.out

cek6smp14.out             starbucs1.out

cek6smp15.out             starbucs2.out

cek6smp16.out             starbucs3.out

cek6smp18.out             starbucs4.out

cek6smp19.out             starbucs5.out

cek6smp20.out             starbucs6.out

cek6smp21.out             toc.out

cek6smp22.out             triton1.out

cek6smp23.out             triton10.out

cek6smp24.out             triton11.out

cek6smp25.out             triton12.out

cek6smp26.out             triton12.sdf

cek6smp27.out             triton2.out

cekenova.out              triton3.out

cekenovi.out              triton4.out

centrm-activity.out       triton5.out

centrm-boundary.out       triton6-1.out

centrm-dancoff.out        triton6.out

centrm-double_het.out          triton7.out

centrm-libraries.out      triton8.out

centrm-options.out        triton9.out

centrm-pwr.out            triton9.sdf

centrm-thermal.out        triton9.u235-abs.sdf

centrm-transport.out      triton9.u235-fis.sdf

couple.out                triton9.u238-abs.sdf

csas5_1.out               triton9.u238-fis.sdf

csas5_2.out               tsar-1.0002.react.sdf

csas5_3.out               tsar-1.kstate1.sdf

csas5_4.out               tsar-1.kstate2.sdf

csas5_5.out               tsar-1.out

csas5_6.out               tsar-1.react.sdf

csas5_7.out               tsar-1d_1.sdf

csas5_8.out               tsar-1d_2.sdf

csas6_1.out               tsar-2.0002.react.sdf

csas6_2.out               tsar-2.kstate1.sdf

csas6_3.out               tsar-2.kstate2.sdf

csas6_4.out               tsar-2.out

csas6_5.out               tsar-2.react.sdf

csas6_6.out               tsunami-1d1.out

csas6_7.out               tsunami-1d1.sdf

csas6_8.out               tsunami-1d2.out

ice.out                   tsunami-1d2.sdf

k5smp01.out               tsunami-1d3.out

k5smp02.out               tsunami-1d3.sdf

k5smp03.out               tsunami-1d4.out

k5smp04.out               tsunami-1d4.sdf

k5smp05.out               tsunami-1d5.out

k5smp06.out               tsunami-1d5.sdf

k5smp07.out               tsunami-1d6.out

k5smp08.out               tsunami-1d6.sdf

k5smp09.out               tsunami-1d7.out

k5smp10.out               tsunami-1d7.sdf

k5smp11.out               tsunami-1d8.out

k5smp12.out               tsunami-1d9.U234-abs.sdf

k5smp13.out               tsunami-1d9.U234-fis.sdf

k5smp14.out               tsunami-1d9.U235-abs.sdf

k5smp15.out               tsunami-1d9.U235-fis.sdf

k5smp16.out               tsunami-1d9.U238-abs.sdf

k5smp17.out               tsunami-1d9.U238-fis.sdf

k5smp18.out               tsunami-1d9.out

k5smp19.out               tsunami-1d9.sdf

k5smp20.out               tsunami-3d-summary.out

k5smp21.out               tsunami-3d_k5-1.out

k5smp22.out               tsunami-3d_k5-1.sdf

k5smp23.out               tsunami-3d_k5-2.out

k5smp24.out               tsunami-3d_k5-2.sdf

k5smp25.out               tsunami-3d_k5-3.out

k5smp26.out               tsunami-3d_k5-3.sdf

k5smp27.out               tsunami-3d_k5-4.out

k5smp28.out               tsunami-3d_k5-4.sdf

k5smp29.out               tsunami-3d_k6-1.out

k5smp30.out               tsunami-3d_k6-1.sdf

k5smp31.out               tsunami-3d_k6-2.out

k5smp32.out               tsunami-3d_k6-2.sdf

k5smp33.out               tsunami-ip.out

k6smp01.out               tsunami-ip.sdf

k6smp02.out               tsurfer.out

k6smp03.out               util.out

k6smp04.out               xsdose.out

k6smp05.out               xsdrn.out

k6smp06.out               xseclist.out



arp.table                 k5smp22.table

arplib-reorg.table        k5smp23.table

bonami.table              k5smp24.table

c5toc6.table              k5smp25.table

caas.kenovi.table         k5smp26.table

caas.mavricA.table        k5smp27.table

caas.mavricB.table        k5smp28.table

cecsas5_1.table           k5smp29.table

cecsas5_2.table           k5smp30.table

cecsas5_4.table           k5smp31.table

cecsas5_5.table           k5smp32.table

cecsas5_6.table           k5smp33.table

cecsas6_1.table           k6smp01.table

cecsas6_2.table           k6smp02.table

cecsas6_3.table           k6smp03.table

cecsas6_4.table           k6smp04.table

cecsas6_5.table           k6smp05.table

cecsas6_6.table           k6smp06.table

cecsas6_7.table           k6smp07.table

cecsas6_8.table           k6smp08.table

cek5smp01.table           k6smp09.table

cek5smp02.table           k6smp10.table

cek5smp03.table           k6smp11.table

cek5smp04.table           k6smp12.table

cek5smp06.table           k6smp13.table

cek5smp07.table           k6smp14.table

cek5smp08.table           k6smp15.table

cek5smp09.table           k6smp16.table

cek5smp10.table           k6smp17.table

cek5smp11.table           k6smp18.table

cek5smp12.table           k6smp19.table

cek5smp13.table           k6smp20.table

cek5smp14.table           k6smp21.table

cek5smp15.table           k6smp22.table

cek5smp16.table           k6smp23.table

cek5smp18.table           k6smp24.table

cek5smp19.table           k6smp25.table

cek5smp20.table           k6smp26.table

cek5smp21.table           k6smp27.table

cek5smp22.table           kenova.table

cek5smp23.table           kenovi.table

cek5smp24.table           kmart5.table

cek5smp25.table           kmart6.table

cek5smp26.table           mavric.caskAnalogn.table

cek5smp27.table           mavric.caskAnalogp.table

cek5smp28.table           mavric.caskCADISn.table

cek5smp29.table           mavric.caskCADISp.table

cek5smp30.table           mavric.graphiteCADIS.table

cek5smp31.table           mavric.isfsi.table

cek5smp32.table           mavric.lithoFW.table

cek5smp33.table           mavric.tn24p.table

cek6smp01.table           mavricUtilities1.table

cek6smp02.table           mavricUtilities2.table

cek6smp03.table           mavricUtilities3.table

cek6smp04.table           mcdancoff.table

cek6smp06.table           monaco.d2oSphereA.table

cek6smp07.table           monaco.d2oSphereB.table

cek6smp08.table           monaco.graphite.table

cek6smp09.table           monaco.howitzer.table

cek6smp10.table           monaco.ironSphere.table

cek6smp11.table           newt1.table

cek6smp12.table           newt2.table

cek6smp13.table           newt3.table

cek6smp14.table           newt4.table

cek6smp15.table           newt5.table

cek6smp16.table           nitawl.table

cek6smp18.table           opus.table

cek6smp19.table           origen.table

cek6smp20.table           picture.table

cek6smp21.table           qadcggp.table

cek6smp22.table           qads.table

cek6smp23.table           sas1a.table

cek6smp24.table           sas1b.table

cek6smp25.table           sas1c.table

cek6smp26.table           sas1d.table

cek6smp27.table           sas1e.table

cekenova.table            sas1f.table

cekenovi.table            sas1g.table

centrm-activity.table          sas1h.table

centrm-boundary.table          smores_evref.table

centrm-dancoff.table      smores_maxk.table

centrm-double_het.table   smores_minmas.table

centrm-libraries.table    starbucs1.table

centrm-options.table      starbucs2.table

centrm-pwr.table               starbucs3.table

centrm-thermal.table      starbucs4.table

centrm-transport.table    starbucs5.table

couple.table              starbucs6.table

csas5_1.table             toc.table

csas5_2.table             triton1.table

csas5_3.table             triton10.table

csas5_4.table             triton11.table

csas5_5.table             triton12.table

csas5_6.table             triton2.table

csas5_7.table             triton3.table

csas5_8.table             triton4.table

csas6_1.table             triton5.table

csas6_2.table             triton6-1.table

csas6_3.table             triton6.table

csas6_4.table             triton7.table

csas6_5.table             triton8.table

csas6_6.table             triton9.table

csas6_7.table             tsar-1.table

csas6_8.table             tsar-2.table

ice.table                 tsunami-1d1.table

k5smp01.table             tsunami-1d2.table

k5smp02.table             tsunami-1d3.table

k5smp03.table             tsunami-1d4.table

k5smp04.table             tsunami-1d5.table

k5smp05.table             tsunami-1d6.table

k5smp06.table             tsunami-1d7.table

k5smp07.table             tsunami-1d8.table

k5smp08.table             tsunami-1d9.table

k5smp09.table             tsunami-3d-summary.table

k5smp10.table             tsunami-3d_k5-1.table

k5smp11.table             tsunami-3d_k5-2.table

k5smp12.table             tsunami-3d_k5-3.table

k5smp13.table             tsunami-3d_k5-4.table

k5smp14.table             tsunami-3d_k6-1.table

k5smp15.table             tsunami-3d_k6-2.table

k5smp16.table             tsunami-ip.table

k5smp17.table             tsurfer.table

k5smp18.table             util.table

k5smp19.table             xsdose.table

k5smp20.table             xsdrn.table

k5smp21.table             xseclist.table



arp.table                 k5smp22.table

arplib-reorg.table        k5smp23.table

bonami.table              k5smp24.table

c5toc6.table              k5smp25.table

caas.kenovi.table         k5smp26.table

caas.mavricA.table        k5smp27.table

caas.mavricB.table        k5smp28.table

cecsas5_1.table           k5smp29.table

cecsas5_2.table           k5smp30.table

cecsas5_4.table           k5smp31.table

cecsas5_5.table           k5smp32.table

cecsas5_6.table           k5smp33.table

cecsas6_1.table           k6smp01.table

cecsas6_2.table           k6smp02.table

cecsas6_3.table           k6smp03.table

cecsas6_4.table           k6smp04.table

cecsas6_5.table           k6smp05.table

cecsas6_6.table           k6smp06.table

cecsas6_7.table           k6smp07.table

cecsas6_8.table           k6smp08.table

cek5smp01.table           k6smp09.table

cek5smp02.table           k6smp10.table

cek5smp03.table           k6smp11.table

cek5smp04.table           k6smp12.table

cek5smp06.table           k6smp13.table

cek5smp07.table           k6smp14.table

cek5smp08.table           k6smp15.table

cek5smp09.table           k6smp16.table

cek5smp10.table           k6smp17.table

cek5smp11.table           k6smp18.table

cek5smp12.table           k6smp19.table

cek5smp13.table           k6smp20.table

cek5smp14.table           k6smp21.table

cek5smp15.table           k6smp22.table

cek5smp16.table           k6smp23.table

cek5smp18.table           k6smp24.table

cek5smp19.table           k6smp25.table

cek5smp20.table           k6smp26.table

cek5smp21.table           k6smp27.table

cek5smp22.table           kenova.table

cek5smp23.table           kenovi.table

cek5smp24.table           kmart5.table

cek5smp25.table           kmart6.table

cek5smp26.table           mavric.caskAnalogn.table

cek5smp27.table           mavric.caskAnalogp.table

cek5smp28.table           mavric.caskCADISn.table

cek5smp29.table           mavric.caskCADISp.table

cek5smp30.table           mavric.graphiteCADIS.table

cek5smp31.table           mavric.isfsi.table

cek5smp32.table           mavric.lithoFW.table

cek5smp33.table           mavric.tn24p.table

cek6smp01.table           mavricUtilities1.table

cek6smp02.table           mavricUtilities2.table

cek6smp03.table           mavricUtilities3.table

cek6smp04.table           mcdancoff.table

cek6smp06.table           monaco.d2oSphereA.table

cek6smp07.table           monaco.d2oSphereB.table

cek6smp08.table           monaco.graphite.table

cek6smp09.table           monaco.howitzer.table

cek6smp10.table           monaco.ironSphere.table

cek6smp11.table           newt1.table

cek6smp12.table           newt2.table

cek6smp13.table           newt3.table

cek6smp14.table           newt4.table

cek6smp15.table           newt5.table

cek6smp16.table           nitawl.table

cek6smp18.table           opus.table

cek6smp19.table           origen.table

cek6smp20.table           picture.table

cek6smp21.table           qadcggp.table

cek6smp22.table           qads.table

cek6smp23.table           sas1a.table

cek6smp24.table           sas1b.table

cek6smp25.table           sas1c.table

cek6smp26.table           sas1d.table

cek6smp27.table           sas1e.table

cekenova.table            sas1f.table

cekenovi.table            sas1g.table

centrm-activity.table          sas1h.table

centrm-boundary.table          smores_evref.table

centrm-dancoff.table      smores_maxk.table

centrm-double_het.table   smores_minmas.table

centrm-libraries.table    starbucs1.table

centrm-options.table      starbucs2.table

centrm-pwr.table               starbucs3.table

centrm-thermal.table      starbucs4.table

centrm-transport.table    starbucs5.table

couple.table              starbucs6.table

csas5_1.table             toc.table

csas5_2.table             triton1.table

csas5_3.table             triton10.table

csas5_4.table             triton11.table

csas5_5.table             triton12.table

csas5_6.table             triton2.table

csas5_7.table             triton3.table

csas5_8.table             triton4.table

csas6_1.table             triton5.table

csas6_2.table             triton6-1.table

csas6_3.table             triton6.table

csas6_4.table             triton7.table

csas6_5.table             triton8.table

csas6_6.table             triton9.table

csas6_7.table             tsar-1.table

csas6_8.table             tsar-2.table

ice.table                 tsunami-1d1.table

k5smp01.table             tsunami-1d2.table

k5smp02.table             tsunami-1d3.table

k5smp03.table             tsunami-1d4.table

k5smp04.table             tsunami-1d5.table

k5smp05.table             tsunami-1d6.table

k5smp06.table             tsunami-1d7.table

k5smp07.table             tsunami-1d8.table

k5smp08.table             tsunami-1d9.table

k5smp09.table             tsunami-3d-summary.table

k5smp10.table             tsunami-3d_k5-1.table

k5smp11.table             tsunami-3d_k5-2.table

k5smp12.table             tsunami-3d_k5-3.table

k5smp13.table             tsunami-3d_k5-4.table

k5smp14.table             tsunami-3d_k6-1.table

k5smp15.table             tsunami-3d_k6-2.table

k5smp16.table             tsunami-ip.table

k5smp17.table             tsurfer.table

k5smp18.table             util.table

k5smp19.table             xsdose.table

k5smp20.table             xsdrn.table

k5smp21.table             xseclist.table






Nix  Windows






cooper_bwr.inp origen.input   triton6-1.input

opus.input      toc.input



CMakeLists.txt couple         mavricUtilities runner

DataComm  dbcf      miplib    samslib

basicGeom defBlock  monaco    scalelib

bonamist  driver    newt      triton

cajun          jDebug    origen    tritonlib

centrm    kenovi    reorg



AllocateArrays_M.f90 MPI_FC.f90

AllocatePointers.f90 PTimer.cpp

CMakeLists.txt       PTimer.h

Constants.f90        Ppanalysis.cpp

DataBuffer_M.f90          Ppanalysis.h

DataCommIO_M.f90          TimerClass_M.f90 Tribits

DataPackUnpack_M.f90 getTimeofDay.cpp

Data_Types.f90       getTimeofDay.h

ETimer.cpp          omp_M.f90




CMakeLists.txt cmake          tests


./scale6.1/src/DataComm/Tribits/cmake: Dependencies.cmake





























arenko.f90 pxcalc.f90



cajun.f90 reader.f90






ampxl.f90 pool.f90



CMakeLists.txt       Tribits





CMakeLists.txt cmake          tests






CMakeLists.txt            dbcf_require_quoted_tester.f90

dbcf_assert_tester.f90    dbcf_require_tester.f90

dbcf_check_tester.f90          dbcf_tester.f90

dbcf_ensure_tester.f90    sample_dbc_subroutine.f90







cntrlr_I.f90              process_time_I.f90

getmdl_I.f90              scale.f90




CMakeLists.txt Tribits   jdebug.h



CMakeLists.txt cmake          tests






CMakeLists.txt            jdebug_test.cpp













extendedTally.f90    sourceGeomCuboid.f90

meshSourceHelper.f90 sourceGeomCylinder.f90

meshSourceSaver.f90  sourceGeomSphere.f90

source.f90          tally.f90




cellwt2d.f90         read_array.f90

input.f90           readgeom.f90

module_xndata.f90    stopit.f90



flxdi3.f90 matrex.f90 xterm.f90



ascii_to_binary.f90  binary_to_ascii.f90



CMakeLists.txt            RunnerGlobals_M.f90

Runner.f90                RunnerIO_M.f90

RunnerComm_M.f90               RunnerMessageRecord_M.f90

RunnerDataPackUnpack_M.f90     RunnerMessages_M.f90

RunnerDefaults_M.f90      RunnerTimer_M.f90

RunnerErrors_M.f90        RunnerUtils_M.f90


RunnerFileRecord_M.f90    signal_M.f90



allocate_sensitivities.f90     implicit_sensitivities.f90

compute_sensitivities.f90 output_results.f90




CMakeLists.txt       getnam.cpp

getnam.h             getnam_I.f90

jobnum_I.f90         Vcdata_M.f90






depletionsetup.f90   savexndata.f90

getvals.f90          scale_module.f90

handlparm.f90        sequencer.f90

init.f90            tparam_I.f90

librarian.f90        tritdirect.f90

pointer_module.f90   triton_module.f90



SCALE 6.1.1 Known Issues

Minor Issues Identified with Fixed-Source Monte Carlo Capabilities

Corrected in SCALE 6.1.1

A few minor issues were identified with the SCALE fixed-source Monte Carlo code Monaco and an associated utility, especially related to seldom-used optional features. These features will be corrected in a pending patch for SCALE. These features should be used with caution until the patch is applied.

  • When specifying the special distribution pwrNeutronAxialProfileReverse or pwrGammaAxialProfileReverse for a spatial source distribution, the un-reversed profile is erroneously returned.

    Impact: This is a seldom-used feature that was implemented for compatibility with previous MORSE calculations. Problems run using one of the special axial distributions containing the word reverse are in fact not reversed, and erroneous results could result due to an inaccurate source specification.
  • The sum of the point detector group-wise results may be higher than the point detector energy-integrated (total) results. The reported total is correct. The group-wise values are high due to rejecting negative contributions (which happen a small fraction of the time due to the multi-group energy/angle physics).

    Impact: The energy-integrated results are correct. Only energy-dependent results are in error for some calculations. If the use of energy-dependent results is desired, users should verify that they sum to the total value.If a source specification utilizes different Watt spectra distributions in multiple sources, the energies sampled for one source may include energies from the wrong distribution.
  • If a source specification utilizes different Watt spectra distributions in multiple sources, the energies sampled for one source may include energies from the wrong distribution.

    Impact: Only models that implement more than one Watt spectrum are impacted. Since Watt spectra from different isotopes are quite similar, the impact of this discrepancy may not be noticeable. For Watt spectra that are very different, results may differ. 
  • The utility program mim2wwinp does not format MCNP *.wwinp files correctly for photon-only problems. MCNP interprets a *.wwinp with only one particle listed as neutrons, even in a "mode p" problem. The *.wwinp file produced by SCALE needs to specifically identify that there are 0 neutron groups for photon-only problems.

    Impact: Subsequent MCNP calculations that use the SCALE generated .wwinp files for photon-only problems will not run.

Date Identified: 3/22/2012

Discrepancy Observed with Small Number Densities with 44-Group ENDF/B-V Data and CENTRM

Corrected in SCALE 6.1.1

An issue has been identified that can lead to non-conservative keff values when using the 44-group ENDF/B-V data with CENTRM for high-leakage models with trace-element number densities below ~10-9 atoms/barn-cm when running SCALE 5.1 – SCALE 6.1. The effect on the 238-group ENDF/B-V,VI, and VII libraries is minimal. There is no effect on continuous-energy Monte Carlo calculations.

In the dozens of test cases examined thus far, the discrepancy is only realized in cases that meet ALL of the following conditions:

  1. The number density of at least one nuclide has a small fractional concentration of 10-8 or less relative to the total mixture number density. Typically this corresponds to an absolute concentration less than ~10-9 to 10-10 atoms/barn-cm, but greater than zero.
  2. The SCALE 44-group ENDF/B-V library or a user-generated broad group library with few groups in the U-238 resolved resonance range (1 eV-4 KeV) is used.
  3. CENTRM is used for resonance self-shielding. This is the default behavior in SCALE 6.1, but NITAWL processing is the default behavior for SCALE 5.1 and 6.0 for the ENDF/B-V cross-section data, so the user must explicitly request CENTRM processing to observe the discrepancy with SCALE 5.1 or 6.0.
  4. The system is sensitive to the high-energy portion of the resolved range, which most commonly occurs for high leakage systems. Low-leakage criticality and depletion models examined realized only a minimal impact.
  5. Calculations are performed with SCALE 5.1, 6.0 or 6.1.

Impact on calculations: 

  1. Continuous-energy KENO calculations do not use CENTRM and are not affected.
  2. The impact for all 238-group calculations examined thus far is small, on the order of a few pcm.
  3. Eigenvalues and isotopic concentrations computed for the 44-group ENDF/B-V depletion cases examined are not significantly affected, as these are low-leakage systems [reflected lattice geometries]. For most cases that meet all of the above criteria, including burned fuel criticality safety calculations that include small concentrations of fission products, the discrepancy introduces an error on the order of 100 pcm.
  4. In a contrived case that artificially introduces a trace material into a plutonium nitrate system, a discrepancy of ~3% delta-k was observed. This is the maximum discrepancy observed for the real and hypothetical systems examined thus far, but it should not be considered a bounding value.

Corrective Action

  1. The SCALE Team is developing a patch that corrects this issue.
  2. Users should examine calculations to determine if they meet the criteria provided above.
  3. The eigenvalue for suspect systems should be examined using a different library, such as the 238-group ENDF/B-V to determine if a particular system is impacted.
  4. Users should install the SCALE 6.1 patch when it is available and repeat any suspect calculations.

Date Identified: 1/9/12

Acknowledgement: This issue was first identified by SCALE user Dale Lancaster

Optional Output Edit in STARBUCS

In STARBUCS burnup credit loading curve search calculations, an optional input prt=short may be used within the READ SEARCH input block to restrict the final output to contain only relevant information for a burnup loading curve calculation. In SCALE 6.1, this optional input causes the calculation to crash.

Users should only use the default parameter prt=long, which retains all SCALE output information for the last step of the iterative fuel enrichment search process. As prt=long is the default option in STARBUCS, there is no need for this input option to be specified in a STARBUCS input file.

Date Identified: 2/10/2011

MacOS System Requirements

The SCALE 6.1 Readme states that the system will operate on Mac OSX version 10.5 or newer, where Mac OSX 10.6 or newer is actually required to properly execute SCALE 6.1.

The symptoms are such that the SCALE runtime will execute and a job banner will be produced, but the executable modules will fail.

If messages are turned on (-m flag on the batch6.1 command) the following message will be reported:

'dyld: unknown required load command 0x80000022'

The solution is to upgrade to Mac OSX 10.6 or newer.

Date Identified: 2/23/2012

Windows ORIGEN and OPUS Sample Problems

Corrected in SCALE 6.1.1

There has been an issue identified when running the ORIGEN and OPUS sample problems on Windows.

Specifically, the sample problems' shell script uses an invalid path when attempting to copy needed resources into the working directory. Without these needed resources, both sample problems fail to produce the expected results.

The fix is simple. For the origen.input and opus.input files, located in
scale6.1\smplprbs\Windows, replace

copy z:\scale_staging\data\arplibs\w17_e40.arplib ft33f001


copy %DATA%\arplibs\w17_e40.arplib ft33f001

Date Identified: 8/30/2011

Unable to access jarfile ... ScaleDiff.jar

Corrected in SCALE 6.1.1

There has been an issue identified where when running the sample problems,
the ScaleDiff.jar file is not found producing an 'Unable to access jarfile ... ScaleDiff.jar' message.

The issue is due to not having the source code installed.

The ScaleDiff-Samples.xml zip file contains the following:
• samples.xml
• ScaleDiff.jar

Do the following to update your Scale6.1 install

1. Extract the contents into your Scale6.1 directory. You will be prompted to ‘copy and replace’ your samples.xml file.

2. Move the Scale6.1\ScaleDiff.jar file into your Scale6.1\cmds directory. You will be prompted ‘copy and replace’ your ScaleDiff.jar file.

The updated Scale6.1\samples.xml, and Scale6.1\cmds\ScaleDiff.jar files should be available to verify Scale as detailed in the readme file.

Updated: 11/15/2011

table_of_content_*.txt: no such file or directory

Corrected in SCALE 6.1.1

When running the sample problems an error may occur similar to the following,

C:\Scale6.1\Windows_amd64\bin\grep: table_of_content_*.txt: No such file or directory

This is due to a typo in the scale\samples.xml file.

'table_of_content_*' should be 'table_of_contents_*'. Notice the extra 's'.

Edit your Scale\samples.xml file, find 'table_of_content_*' and replace with 'table_of_contents_*'.

Date Identified: 10/6/2011

ORIGEN 200-group cross section library

Corrected in SCALE 6.1.1

A problem was identified in the energy-group boundaries of the ORIGEN 200-neutron-group cross-section library, origen.rev02.jeff200g. The boundaries were generated with constant lethargy instead of the boundaries of the SCALE 200-group transport library. Use of this library is currently not recommended, as it will produce erroneous results. An update to the library will be available soon.

Date Identified: 10/24/2011

ORIGEN natural isotopic abundances

Corrected in SCALE 6.1.1

The natural isotopic abundances for several elements in the ORIGEN library are incorrect. The abundances have been corrected and an updated library will be available soon. The use of natural isotopic abundances (NEX1=4) for input element concentrations enter in gram units may result in incorrect isotopic concentrations for Mg, Ge, Kr, Sr, and Te. If atom units (gram atoms) are used, incorrect isotopic concentration may occur for F, Na, Mg, Al, P, Sc, Mn, Co, Ge, As, Kr, Sr, Y, Nb, Rh, Te, I, Cs, Pr, Tb, Ho, Tm, and Au.

Date Identified: 10/24/2011

Problem with thermal energy cutoff in continuous-energy KENO calculations

Internal testing of continuous-energy calculations with KENO has revealed a considerable non-conservative change in keff, on the order of 20%, for cases involving BeO. Users who properly validate continuous-energy KENO calculations for these systems would notice a strong systematic bias for bound BeO cases prior to use in safety calculations. Nevertheless, users should not use be-beo in continuous-energy KENO calculations.

Note that multigroup calculations in KENO are not affected by this issue, and updates to the continuous-energy data for bound BeO will be available soon.

Further explanation:

Scale continuous energy neutron cross-section libraries are based on ENDF/B-VI Release 8 and ENDF/B-VII Release 0. While most of the neutron cross sections are for nuclides that are assumed to be free (not bound in a molecule), some nuclide cross sections are for bound nuclei that are commonly referred to as s(a,b) cross sections or thermal kernels. Hydrogen bound in water or Be in BeO are some example nuclei that have bound thermal cross sections. Scale continuous-energy neutron cross-section libraries were generated by processing the ENDF thermal kernel data for incident neutron energies of 5.05eV or below. To provide flexibility in analysis without the need to regenerate the cross section library, KENO was designed to implement a user-selectable value for the thermal cutoff for s(a,b) treatment, with default neutron cutoff energy of 3eV. Above this cutoff the effects of thermal motion of the molecule are assumed to be negligible.

As a result of a recent internal testing, it was discovered that KENO does not apply the thermal cutoff value to the use of s(a,b) treatment. If the evaluation does not have data up to 5.05eV, the short collision time method is used to extend the incoherent inelastic scattering data up to 5.05eV. Coherent elastic scattering is generated only for the energy range specified in the ENDF file. It was discovered that for Be in BeO, the coherent elastic and incoherent inelastic scattering cross sections extended beyond 3eV but did not have the same upper cut-off value. When KENO ignores the default thermal cut-off value of 3eV, it tries to sample from both coherent elastic and incoherent inelastic and obtains the wrong cross section between the cut-off values of these reactions.

Date Identified: 10/25/2011