Climate Change: What does it look like now, and what will it look like in the future

Dr. Jack D. Fellows , Oak Ridge National Laboratory

April 21
10:58am - 12:00pm
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Dr. Jack Fellows has over 25 years of experience directing large and medium sized research and education organizations. He has a doctorate in Civil Engineering and began his career as a research faculty member at the University of Maryland, where he conducted research on using satellite data to improve hydrologic models. In 1984, he was selected as the American Geophysical Union's congressional science fellow and spent a year working on science issues in the U.S. Congress. After his fellowship, he spent 13 years on White House staff overseeing a broad range of research programs on behalf of Presidents Reagan, Bush, and Clinton. In 1997, he became the Vice President of the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, a private, non-profit weather and climate research university consortium located in Boulder, Colorado. He is currently the Director of the Climate Change Science Institute at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Dr. Fellows is he recipient of the AGU's Edward A. Flinn III Award for unselfish cooperation in research, the National Council for Science and the Environment's Lifetime Achievement Award as a co-founder of the USGCRP, and the Camino de Santiago Compostela for completing the 1,200-year-old, 500 mile pilgrimage walk across Spain.

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