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Remote systems

The Remote Systems Group (RSG) specializes in robotics, remote handling and process equipment R&D designed for use in hazardous environments. Capabilities and experience ranging from fundamental research, through full-scale prototyping and demonstrations, to field deployment have been used in past and current projects related to nuclear fuel reprocessing, remote maintenance, environmental remediation, material handling, process development, control systems, and human-machine interfaces. RSG operates a world-class testing facility and utilizes state-of-the-art software systems to design, model, and simulate remote operations.


RSG operates a 7200 sq ft enclosed highbay facility where it conducts remote handling and process system development and demonstration programs. Control rooms are available for the development of remote viewing and control systems. Additional laboratories are also available for benchtop testing and development of hydraulic and mechanical systems. Engineers and technicians that are highly experienced in remote operations are key resources of this facility.

Specifics of the highbay include:

  • 60x130ft floor space including a 40x25x30ft deep pit for extended lift operations
  • Three overhead bridges
    • 20T capacity Bridge Crane with dual 10T rotating hooks (hook heights of 42 ft)
    • Manipulator Transporter Bridge with three trolleys & telescoping tube sets for mounting power arms, manipulators, viewing systems, etc.
    • 2nd Manipulator Transporter Bridge with single trolley & vertical mast for mounting power arms, manipulators, viewing systems, etc.
  • Various mechanical- and servo-manipulators, industrial robots, and tooling for conducting equipment development and demonstration programs
  • Currently, it also houses the Target Test Facility (TTF) for Spallation Neutron Source which is a cold mock-up of the actual mercury loop used at SNS. The TTF loop contains 400 gallons of mercury weighing 40,000 lbs.
  • Portal monitors, Second Target Station are other large equipment’s housed in the highbay
  • Model F and Model 8 MSM manipulators in 7603 are used for testing, design improvements, and operator training before a piece of equipment is introduced into the hot cell


Group Leader, Remote Systems Group
Venugopal Koikal Varma