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Environment - CO2 sleuth

Knowing with precision the source of fossil fuel carbon dioxide emissions worldwide is the goal of a project proposed by a group of scientists that includes Robert Andres and T.J. Blasing of Oak Ridge National Laboratory. In a recent article in the forum section of Eos, the weekly newspaper of the American Geophysical Union, the 14-member group representing nine institutions notes that current methods of estimating carbon emissions are often inadequate or lack the necessary resolution to be useful in supporting policy decisions. The system proposed by the group of researchers calling themselves CO2FFEE (CO2 Fossil Fuel Emissions Effort) would provide "a process-based fossil fuel CO2 model data system that can form the basis for more realistic emissions projections for climate change scenarios." The project is being called Hestia after the Greek goddess of the hearth and would ultimately provide a navigation framework similar to Google Earth. The group is led by Kevin Gurney of Purdue University.