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One year ago, messages poured into ORNL from world's scientists

One year ago scientists at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory were reminded that the community of science is truly global. In the aftermath of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that killed more than 3,000 people, ORNL researchers were deluged with electronic mail messages of condolence and support from around the world.

The messages came from colleagues, associates or acquaintances in a host of nations. All expressed shock and sadness at the events. Many wrote from Russia. Those and other writers knew war and terrorism in their own lands. Some correspondents were Muslims.

Although ORNL is a "national" laboratory, its scientists routinely work with researchers in other countries, providing a rich exchange of expertise and knowledge toward solving some of the world's toughest technical challenges and scientific mysteries.

For many of those scientists overseas, the blows against the United States were not only attacks on their friends but also an assault on a rich and mutually rewarding international exchange of knowledge.

Here are excerpts from 10 of the scores of messages ORNL researchers collected in the hours and days following Sept. 11, 2001.

"A country which helped other countries in their crisis and aggression should certainly have all our support to fight this terrorism."-India .

"This is not something that touches only the United States in its heart; it is a deliberate effort to attack civilization. We are with you in our thoughts."-The Netherlands .

"We hope that people of USA will stand this hard tragedy with dignity."-Republic of Kazakhstan .

"All your colleagues all over the world are with you and shall fight so that our children and grand(children) can be born in a world governed by reasonable people who support the real peace of all the world."-Japan .

"I hope that the world will be able to handle this situation with care, and not let the search for the persons responsible be the excuse for indiscriminate vengeance."-Denmark .

"Words fail us. We Russians unfortunately well know . . . it is a very large tragedy for all world."-Russia .

"I want to express my most decided disapproval to this kind of terrorist practice as well as my sincere condolences with the U.S. people."-Cuba .

"We are shocked by the terrible attacks of yesterday and in deep sorrow for the whole American nation."-Belgium .

"I share with you the sad feeling for the tragic events. Let us pray for brighter, peaceful and safer future days to us all."-Egypt .

"Let us not fill our hearts with hatred."-China .

ORNL is a DOE multiprogram research facility managed by UT-Battelle.