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Richard K. Genung named deputy director at Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Dr. Richard K. Genung has been named deputy director of the Department of Energy's (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and executive vice president of Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corporation.

Genung, who had served as deputy to the vice president for Environmental Management and Enrichment Facilities at Lockheed Martin Energy Systems since 1994, succeeds Dr. Robert Van Hook, who became president of Energy Systems Jan. 1.

Genung, a Tennessee native, received his bachelor's degree in chemical engineering from Vanderbilt University and master's and doctorate degrees from the University of Tennessee.

He joined the ORNL Chemical Technology Division in 1975, where he worked on various programs, including Basic Energy Sciences, Conservation and Renewable Energy, Fossil Energy, and Waste Management. He helped establish waste management and environmental technology as a major mission for the Chemical Technology Division. He served as director of the division from 1988 until 1994.

Genung has held an adjunct faculty position at the University of Tennessee. He has been active in Alpha Chi Sigma, Sigma Xi, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers and the National Management Association. He serves on advisory committees at Argonne National Laboratory and the Joint Institute for Energy and the Environment at the University of Tennessee.

In 1976, he received an IR-100 Award (now known as R&D 100) for work on the Portable Centrifugal Fast Analyzer. Genung also is the author of some 50 technical publications dealing with biochemical separations, bioprocessing technology, and environmental control and waste management technology.

He is married to the former Donna McKamey of Knoxville. They live in Farragut with their two children, Mark and Linda.

ORNL, one of DOE's multiprogram national research and development facilities, is managed by Lockheed Martin Energy Research Corp.