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UT-Battelle recognizes contributions of small businesses

UT-Battelle, LLC, management and operating contractor for the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), presented awards to seven small businesses today at the 11th Annual ORNL Small Business Subcontractor of the Year Awards ceremony.

The awards highlight the accomplishments of small business subcontractors who excelled in providing products and services to the Department of Energy's national laboratory in a variety of areas, from engineering technology to cyber security. Advocates within ORNL nominated the businesses for their exemplary service during 2009.

Keith Joy, director of Small Business Programs, and Cassandra McGee Stuart, socioeconomic program officer, presented the following awards: Small Business: Frontier Geosciences, an advanced research, analytical laboratory and consulting firm, is located in Seattle, Washington. The company has 31 employees with sales to UT-Battelle of nearly $400,000.

Small Disadvantaged Business: MartinFederal Consulting, a firm providing information assurance and cyber security services, is located in Dadeville, Alabama. The company has 11 employees with total sales to UT-Battelle of $400,000.

Woman-Owned Business: Customer Service Electric Supply, which provides electrical support and supplies, is located in Knoxville, Tennessee. The company has 22 employees and $795,000 in sales to UT-Battelle.

HUB Zone Business: Ability Engineering Technology, providing engineered, cryogenic and process equipment manufacturing, is located in South Holland, Illinois. The company has 15 employees and $1.4 million in total sales to UT-Battelle.

Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Business: Clauss Construction, an environmental remediation contractor, is located in Lakeside, California. The company has 80 employees and total sales to UT-Battelle of $2.2 million.

Veteran-Owned Business: ITR-Information Technology Resources is an IT staffing firm located in Knoxville, Tennessee. The company has 10 full time employees and $316,000 in total sales to UT-Battelle.

AVID Just- In-Time Business: Scientific Sales is a provider of safety, environmental and industrial supplies and is located in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The company has 22 employees with total sales to UT-Battelle of nearly $1 million.

The following Organizational Small Business Advocate Awards were presented to ORNL organizations for their support of small businesses and hiring small businesses across several socioeconomic categories.

Support: Office of the Chief Information Officer for spending 57 percent of its business-subcontracting base with small business.

Research and Development: Global Nuclear Security Technology Division for spending 83 percent of its business-subcontracting base with small businesses.

Contracts: Beth Schilling, contracts administrator, for consistently awarding contracts to small businesses across several socioeconomic categories.

ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy.