Project Details

Quantum materials are fascinating because the electronic collective behavior leads to unexpected emergent phenomena induced by Coulomb repulsion and spin-orbit coupling (SOC), such as non-trivial topology. They are also challenging, requiring sophisticated techniques for their theoretical analysis, beyond the
single-electron approximation. Our overarching goal is the quantitative understanding of the many-body states generated in electronic models for quantum materials, involving both strong correlation and SOC, with simultaneously active spin, charge, and orbital degrees of freedom. The proposed research contains three science-driven Specific Aims: (1) Understanding correlation effects in topological electronic systems. We will study the combined effects of electronic correlation and SOC, focusing on models with flat bands, as in kagome lattices and van der Waals bilayers. (2) Understanding exotic superconducting, excitonic, and magnetic states in multiorbital systems. We will focus on novel phenomena induced by having several simultaneously active orbitals, such as orbital-selective pairing, spiral, and block phases. (3) Understanding topological magnons, skyrmions, and topological superconductivity. We will investigate SOC-induced exotic magnons, oxide-interface skyrmions, and topological superconductors containing Majorana states. To reach our goals, state-of-the-art many-body techniques, such as density matrix renormalization group and dynamical cluster approximation, will be used. Employing many tools, we can attack our projects from several angles, leading to a comprehensive understanding. Our efforts will benefit from collaborations with other BES-MSE programs and with ORNL neutron scattering experts. Our work is important to the DOE’s mission because the complex phase diagrams to be unveiled, and associated material realizations, could provide guidance for future energy technologies.