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Additive Manufacturing in the Nuclear Reactor Industry...

by Benjamin R Betzler
Publication Type
Book Chapter
Publication Date
Page Numbers
851 to 863
Publisher Name
Publisher Location
Cambridge, Massachusetts, United States of America

This article discusses the application of additive manufacturing in the nuclear reactor industry.

Additive manufacturing for nuclear applications increased significantly in the late 2010s due to rapid progress in technology, particularly with methods using metals and ceramics.

Because these manufacturing technologies are uniquely data-rich, they allow for an advanced understanding of materials, and they offer the potential to predict part performance based on build data. The inherent characteristics of additive manufacturing technologies allow for rapid prototyping and geometric freedom, making it possible to implement an accelerated agile design process for advanced nuclear reactor applications. Predictive high-fidelity multiphysics simulations are crucial to fully leverage this geometric flexibility. Qualification and regulator acceptance ultimately determine the breadth and scope of applications for these technologies. The US Department of Energy Office of Nuclear Energy Transformational Challenge Reactor program integrates many of these elements to accelerate the deployment of additive manufacturing technologies to industry.