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An atom probe tomography and inventory calculation examination of second phase precipitates in neutron irradiated single crys...

by Philip D Edmondson, Baptiste Gault, Mark Gilbert
Publication Type
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Nuclear Fusion
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Tungsten is the prime candidate material for the plasma facing divertor system and first wall armor of future nuclear fusion reactors. However, the understanding of the microstructural and chemical evolution of pure tungsten under neutron irradiation is relatively unknown, in part due to a lack of experimental data on this topic. Here, single crystal tungsten has been irradiated in the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory at a nominal temperature of 700–800 °C to damage levels of 0.1 and 1.8 displacements per atom (dpa). Inventory calculations of the neutron irradiation experiments have been used to track isotope generation and decay to inform atom probe tomography (APT) results in the determination of the transmutation-induced precipitate compositions. Furthermore, APT crystallography has been used to show the relationship between precipitates and matrix. The composition of the precipitates is shown to progress towards that of the σ-phase at the highest dose studied, with those precipitates lying along crystallographic planes similar to those of displacement-induced dislocations. This work also sets the framework for APT studies of materials that contain isotopic ratios far from those observed in the natural state.