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On the characterization and spinning of solvent extracted lignin towards the manufacture of low-cost carbon fiber...

by Darren A Baker, Nidia C Gallego, Frederick S Baker
Publication Type
Journal Name
Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Publication Date
Page Numbers
227 to 237

ABSTRACT: A Kraft hardwood lignin (HWL) and an
organic-purified hardwood lignin (HWL-OP) were evaluated
as potential precursors for the production of lowcost
carbon fibers. It was found that the unpurified HWL
exhibited poor spinnability while the HWL-OP exhibited
excellent spinnability characteristics. Fibers of various
diameters were obtained from the HWL-OP. Thermostabilization
studies showed that oxidative stabilization
can only be used to convert HWL-OP-based fibers into
carbon fibers if extremely low heating rates are applied.
Carbonized lignin-based fibers had tensile strength of
0.51 GPa and tensile modulus of 28.6 GPa. VC