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Cited Reference Analysis in a National Laboratory to Assess Journal Usage*...

by Tyler E Martindale, Angela B Yancy
Publication Type
Journal Name
Serials Review
Publication Date
Page Numbers
1 to 12

Librarians at a large, federally funded, multidisciplinary research organization sought to assess the value provided by the library’s collections. One method for capturing this value includes determining how well their library’s collections meet researcher needs, as expressed by the materials those researchers choose to cite in the production of new scholarly communications. A cited reference analysis was performed on the publications originating from the institution to provide the necessary data for the assessment, as well as to aid in the creation of a core list of journals which will inform future collection development efforts. This paper fills a gap in the library and information science literature by addressing the citation behaviors of researchers at a large multidisciplinary government research facility, a setting that has not been examined previously.