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Cyclic dynamics of misfires and partial burns in a dilute spark-ignition engine...

by Rachel Stiffler, Brian C Kaul, James Drallmeier
Publication Type
Journal Name
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers - Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering
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This study investigates the cyclic dynamics of cumulative heat release data past the edge of stability in a dilute spark-ignition engine. Emphasis is placed on analyzing the cyclic dynamics near the dilute limit where partial burns and misfires are frequent. These events are often followed by a higher-energy cycle due to the feed-forward mechanism present in the residual gases. These patterns are deterministic and increase the coefficient of variation to undesirable levels. Symbol sequence analysis was used to investigate the cyclic dynamics of these low–high patterns. The heat release was partitioned on an energy basis to give physical meaning to each partition and each sequence created when analyzing the symbol sequence results. This partitioning method provided insight into the differences in the dynamics when operating in the misfire or partial burn regime. These differences could impact the control method used.