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Data Parallel Execution Challenges and Runtime Performance of Agent Simulations on GPUs...

by Kalyan S Perumalla, Brandon G Aaby
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
Proceedings of the 2008 Spring Simulation Multi-Conference
Publication Date
Page Number
Publisher Location
San Deigo, California, United States of America
Conference Name
Agent-Directed Simulation Symposium
Conference Location
Ottawa, Canada
Conference Sponsor
Conference Date

Programmable graphics processing units (GPUs) have emerged as excellent computational platforms for certain general-purpose applications. The data parallel execution capabilities of GPUs specifically point to the potential for effective use in simulations of agent-based models (ABM). In this paper, the computational efficiency of ABM simulation on GPUs is evaluated on representative ABM benchmarks. The runtime speed of GPU-based models is compared to that of traditional CPU-based implementation, and also to that of equivalent models in traditional ABM toolkits (Repast and NetLogo). As expected, it is observed that, GPU-based ABM execution affords excellent speedup on simple models, with better speedup on models exhibiting good locality and fair amount of computation per memory element. Execution is two to three orders of magnitude faster with a GPU than with leading ABM toolkits, but at the cost of decrease in modularity, ease of programmability and reusability. At a more fundamental level, however, the data parallel paradigm is found to be somewhat at odds with traditional model-specification approaches for ABM. Effective use of data parallel execution, in general, seems to require resolution of modeling and execution challenges. Some of the challenges are identified and related solution approaches are described.