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DeepWelding: a Deep Learning Enhanced Approach to GTAW Using Multi-source Sensing Images...

by Yunhe Feng, Zongyao Chen, Dali Wang, Jian Chen, Zhili Feng
Publication Type
Journal Name
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Publication Date

Deep learning has great potential to reshape manufacturing industries. In this paper, we present DeepWelding, a novel framework that applies deep learning techniques to improve gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) process monitoring and penetration detection using multi-source sensing images. The framework is capable of analyzing multiple types of optical sensing images synchronously and consists of three deep learning enhanced consecutive phases: image preprocessing, image selection, and weld penetration classification. Specifically, we adopted generative adversarial networks (pix2pix) for image denoising and classic convolutional neural networks (AlexNet) for image selection. Both pix2pix and AlexNet delivered satisfactory performance. However, five individual neural networks with heterogeneous architectures demonstrated inconsistent generalization capabilities in the classification phase when holding out multi-source images generated with specific experimental settings. Therefore, two ensemble methods combining multiple neural networks were designed to improve the model performance on unseen data collected from different experimental settings. We also found that the quality of model prediction was heavily influenced by the data stream collection environment. We think these findings are beneficial for the broad intelligent welding community.