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HERCULES/PL: The Pattern Language of HERCULES...

by Christos Kartsaklis, Oscar R Hernandez Mendoza
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
PLE '14 Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Programming Language Evolution
Publication Date
Page Numbers
5 to 10
Conference Name
Workshop on Programming Language Evolution 2014 (PLE14)
Conference Location
Uppsala, Sweden
Conference Date

Interrogating the structure of a program for patterns of interest is attractive to the broader spectrum of software engineering. The very approach by which a pattern is constructed remains a concern for the source code mining community. This paper presents a pattern programming model, for the C and Fortran programming languages, using a compiler directives approach. We discuss our specification, called HERCULES/PL, throughout a number of examples and show how different patterns can be constructed, plus some preliminary results.