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An Integrated Two-Factor Authentication Solution Using Pulse Connect Secure and Apache HTTP Server...

by Paul B Nance, Adam S Bengston
Publication Type
ORNL Report
Publication Date

Complex system requirements can often lead to a situation wherein no single product or platform can provide a solution. In these cases, a solution integrating the features of multiple products and platforms is needed. Recently, a program sponsor required discontinued use of a third-party Security Assertion Markup Language Identity Provider that was being used to implement a two-factor authentication (2FA) solution that fully integrated with Pulse Connect Secure (PCS). PCS alone could not provide the features necessary to meet all the requirements of a new 2FA solution. The challenge was to leverage the features of additional platforms to design an integrated solution to meet all requirements. This paper presents a solution that integrates the features of PCS, Apache HyperText Transfer Protocol Server, and a custom application that meets all requirements, including a requirement to defend against Uniform Resource Locator manipulation as means to gain unauthorized access to backend applications.