Linear solvers are major computational bottlenecks in a wide range of decision support and optimization computations. The challenges become even more pronounced on heterogeneous hardware, where traditional sparse numerical linear algebra methods are often inefficient. For example, methods for solving ill-conditioned linear systems have relied on conditional branching, which degrades performance on hardware accelerators such as graphical processing units (GPUs). To improve the efficiency of solving ill-conditioned systems, our computational strategy separates computations that are efficient on GPUs from those that need to run on traditional central processing units (CPUs). Our strategy maximizes the reuse of expensive CPU computations. Iterative methods, which thus far have not been broadly used for ill-conditioned linear systems, play an important role in our approach. In particular, we extend ideas from Arioli et al., (2007) to implement iterative refinement using inexact LU factors and flexible generalized minimal residual (FGMRES), with the aim of efficient performance on GPUs. We focus on solutions that are effective within broader application contexts, and discuss how early performance tests could be improved to be more predictive of the performance in a realistic environment.