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Justification for an Increase in Authorized Operating Power at HFIR...

by Roy T Primm Iii, Germina Ilas
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date
Conference Name
2011 Annual Meeting of the American Nuclear Society
Conference Location
Hollywood, Florida, United States of America
Conference Date

1) Using verified and validated reactor physics methods coupled to a currently accepted thermal hydraulic analysis methodology, onset of incipient boiling power agrees well with the currently-accepted safety basis value. The MCNP-based methodology is acceptable for scoping studies of LEU fuel conversion.
2) A balance-of-plant assessment would have to be conducted to determine if the power up-rate to 100 MW could be supported for LEU fuel.
3) While analyses performed 45 years ago have been shown to be in agreement with today’s methods, there is an advantage to the current methodology in that people working at HFIR today can explain/justify/defend the safety analyses rather than relying solely on documentation.