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Layer Time Control for Large Scale Additive Manufacturing Using High Performance Computing...

Publication Type
ORNL Report
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This work proposes to optimize an additive manufacturing AM process to reduce energy and printing cost. The polymer AM process is inherently dependent on the time-temperature history of each layer to maintain geometric tolerances and mechanical integrity. Our preliminary study shows that regression-based layer time control model using thermal images could result in up to 30% build time reduction for simple geometries. This proposed work would use high-performance computing (HPC) to couple the data-driven model with thermal simulation for better predicting layer temperature profiles, improving throughput of large-scale additive manufacturing, and reducing its energy cost.

We have developed a method to optimize a layer deposition time (a.k.a. layer time) for large-scale AM via physics-based simulations. A long layer time leads to an over-cooled surface on which a new layer is deposited, and therefore, it may result in a weak bonding or debonding between layers, cracking, or warping. A short layer time leads to a high temperature of the structure due to insufficient cooling, and therefore, the structure may not be stiff enough and may collapse during manufacturing. Therefore, it is important to estimate the optimal layer time in additive manufacturing for a high-quality product. The temperature of a top layer right before deposition is recommended to be slightly higher than the glass temperature of the material. A temperature cooling was approximated to an exponential function of time, and the optimized layer time was obtained based on a target temperature while maintaining a minimal printing time. The material used is carbon fiber-reinforced polycarbonate (CF/PC), and the large-scale deposition system used is LSAMTM from Thermwood Corporation. Three different layer time cases were used for experiments, and a series of thermal images were obtained via an infra-red (IR) camera during the entire AM processes. AM process simulations were performed using a finite element method and the temperature profiles from the simulation were in good agreements with those from experiments. The layer time optimization was performed based on the temperature profiles from the simulations. A layer temperature with the optimal layer time was confirmed as the target temperature through simulation.

In addition to the development of a layer time optimization method, we have developed a numerical framework for AM simulation with element activations in sync with toolpath, based on an open source finite element framework, DEAL.II.

A major portion of this work was presented at SAMPE 2022 Conference and Exhibition on May 2022, and published in Proceedings of SAMPE 2022.