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by John F Wade
Publication Type
ORNL Report
Publication Date

Lithium-ion batteries are increasingly prevalent in a variety of devices both small and large. The high level of stored energy in UPS battery racks is closely scrutinized because sudden, uncontrolled release of chemical and electrical energy could be an ignition source. With this in mind, lithium-ion battery safety is the subject of several testing standards, including UL 1642, UL 1973, and UL 9540A.
The motivation for this research and commentary is the potential installation of lithium-ion batteries in a Vertiv UPS assembly for one of the buildings on the ORNL campus. The battery modules Vertiv uses are compliant with abuse survival testing, demonstrating that cells and modules are rugged. The modules are further compliant with fire propagation requirements – in the event a failure does produce a fire, it doesn’t spread. Beyond these, the rack level assemblies Vertiv sources comply with UL requirements to contain a fire within the rack.
This three-tiered approach to battery safety suggests Vertiv’s lithium-ion UPS battery racks can reasonably be considered for use in a facility with appropriate fire protection provisions and an informed emergency response team.