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Nanoscale Chemical Imaging of Zinc Oxide Nanowire Corrosion...

by Katherine Leslee A Cimatu, Shannon M Mahurin, Kent A Meyer, Robert W Shaw
Publication Type
Journal Name
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Publication Date
Page Numbers
10405 to 10414

Nanoscale chemical images of individual bare and alumina-coated zinc oxide nanowires (NWs) were recorded using tip-enhanced second harmonic generation (SHG) spectroscopy before and after exposure to carbon dioxide and water vapor. The NWs were exposed for 0, 2, 4 and 6 days, and images were collected for the same bare nanowire after each two-day exposure period. Corrosion of the bare ZnO NW to zinc carbonate was evident from far-field and near-field SHG images and simultaneously recorded AFM data. The expected zinc carbonate corrosion product is SHG inactive. The AFM profile of the NW showed vertical and lateral expansion in different regions of the nanowire. The lower resolution far-field SHG signal decreased gradually and uniformly. The near-field SHG signal provided a profile of the evolving NW under investigation with a spatial resolution of ~100 nm which is in agreement with the AFM results. In contrast, alumina-coated ZnO NWs that were exposed in the same gas environment showed reduced, but still observable, degradation. The 3-nm thick alumina protective layer may have been insufficient to fully protect the NW, or the coating may have been incomplete. Thicker coatings preclude the tip-enhanced method. Nevertheless, the ability to monitor corrosion on a nanometer scale is a powerful tool for a fundamental understanding of surface chemical processes and should lead to the discovery of protective layers to prevent or delay degradation.