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A novel application of terrestrial LIDAR to characterize elevation change at human grave surfaces in support of narrowing dow...

by Katie A Corcoran, Amy Mundorff, Devin A White, Whitney Emch
Publication Type
Journal Name
Forensic Science International
Publication Date
Page Numbers
320 to 328

Unmarked graves are difficult to locate once the ground surface no longer shows visible evidence of disturbance, posing significant challenges to missing person investigations. This research evaluates the use of terrestrial LIDAR point data for measuring localized elevation change at human grave surfaces. Three differently sized human graves, one control-pit, and surrounding undisturbed ground, were scanned four times between February 2013 and November 2014 using a tripod-mounted terrestrial laser scanner. All the disturbed surfaces exhibited measurable and localized elevation change, allowing for separation of disturbed and undisturbed ground. This study is the first to quantify elevation changes to human graves over time and demonstrates that terrestrial LIDAR may contribute to multi-modal data collection approach to improve unmarked grave detection.