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OpenSHMEM Implementation of HPCG Benchmark...

by Sarah S Powers, Neena Imam
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date
Conference Name
OpenSHMEM 2016: Third workshop on OpenSHMEM and Related Technologies.
Conference Location
Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America
Conference Date

We describe the effort to implement the HPCG benchmark using OpenSHMEM and MPI
one-sided communication. Unlike the High Performance LINPACK (HPL) benchmark that places em-
phasis on large dense matrix computations, the HPCG benchmark is dominated by sparse operations
such as sparse matrix-vector product, sparse matrix triangular solve, and long vector operations. The
MPI one-sided implementation is developed using the one-sided OpenSHMEM implementation. Pre-
liminary results comparing the original MPI, OpenSHMEM, and MPI one-sided implementations on
an SGI cluster, Cray XK7 and Cray XC30 are presented. The results suggest the MPI, OpenSHMEM,
and MPI one-sided implementations all obtain similar overall performance but the MPI one-sided im-
plementation seems to slightly increase the run time for multigrid preconditioning in HPCG on the
Cray XK7 and Cray XC30.