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Optimizing the Fast Fourier Transform Using Mixed Precision on Tensor Core Hardware...

by Anumeena Sorna, Xiaohe Cheng, Eduardo F D'azevedo, Kwai L Wong, Stanimire Tomov
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
2018 IEEE 25th International Conference on High Performance Computing Workshops (HiPCW)
Publication Date
Page Numbers
3 to 7
Conference Name
Paralle Fast Fourier Transforms (PFFT18)
Conference Location
Bengaluru, India
Conference Sponsor
IEEE Computer Society, HiPC, ACM
Conference Date

The Fast Fourier Transform is a fundamental tool in scientific and technical computation. The highly parallelizable nature of the algorithm makes it a suitable candidate for GPU acceleration. This paper focuses on exploiting the speedup due to using the half precision multiplication capability of the latest GPUs' tensor core hardware without significantly degrading the precision of the Fourier Transform result. We develop an algorithm that dynamically splits the input single precision dataset into two half precision sets at the lowest level, uses half precision multiplication, and recombines the result at a later step. This work paves the way for using tensor cores for high precision inputs.