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Phenomenological three-orbital spin-fermion model for cuprates...

by Mostafa S Hussein, Maria Daghofer, Elbio R Dagotto, Adriana Moreo
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Physical Review B
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A spin-fermion model that captures the charge-transfer properties of Cu-based high critical temperature superconductors is introduced and studied via Monte Carlo simulations. The strong Coulomb repulsion among d electrons in the Cu orbitals is phenomenologically replaced by an exchange coupling between the spins of the itinerant electrons and localized spins at the Cu sites, formally similar to double-exchange models for manganites. This interaction induces a charge-transfer insulator gap in the undoped case (five electrons per unit cell). Adding a small antiferromagnetic Heisenberg coupling between localized spins reinforces the global tendency towards antiferromagnetic order. To perform numerical calculations the localized spins are considered classical as in previous related efforts. In this first paper, undoped and doped 8×8 clusters are analyzed in a wide range of temperatures. The numerical results reproduce experimental features in the one-particle spectral function and the density of states, such as: (i) the formation of a Zhang-Rice-like band with a dispersion on the order of ∼0.5eV and with rotational symmetry about the wave-vector (π/2,π/2) at the top of the band and (ii) the opening of a pseudogap at the chemical potential upon doping. We also observed incipient tendencies towards spin incommensurability. This simple model allows for an unbiased study of charge-transfer insulators and offers a formalism intermediate between standard mean-field approximations that fail at finite temperatures in regimes with short-range order and sophisticated quantum Monte Carlo techniques that suffer sign problems.