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Probing electron transport and structural properties of nanostructures on Si with a quadraprobe scanning tunneling microscope...

by Tae Hwan Kim, John F Wendelken, An-ping Li
Publication Type
Conference Paper
Journal Name
Advanced Metallization Conference 2007 (AMC 2007)
Publication Date
Page Numbers
653 to 659
Conference Name
Advanced Matallization Conference 2007
Conference Location
Albany, New York, United States of America
Conference Date

The electron transport and structural properties of nanostructured materials have been examined with a newly developed low temperature quadraprobe scanning tunneling microscope (STM) system. The quadraprobe STM system, as a "nano" version of a four-probe station provides an integrated research platform with a low temperature four-probe STM, a molecular-beam epitaxy growth chamber, a high resolution scanning electron microscope, and a scanning Auger microscope. The four STM probes can be driven independently with sub-nanometer precision, enabling conventional STM imaging and four-point electrical transport study of surface electronic systems and nanostructured materials at temperatures down to 10 K. Self-assembled nanostructures grown on Si by doping with metal atoms (Au, Gd, Ag) have been fabricated and characterized in situ.