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Process Heating Assessments Using DOE’s Manufacturing Energy Assessment Software for Utility Reduction (MEASUR) Tool Suite

Publication Type
Conference Paper
Book Title
2020 AISTech Conference Proceedings
Publication Date
Page Numbers
1665 to 1679
Conference Name
AISTech Conference - The Iron & Steel Technology Conference and Exposition
Conference Location
Cleveland, Ohio, United States of America
Conference Sponsor
Association of Iron & Steel Technology
Conference Date

Process heating is the most energy-intensive manufacturing process for most sectors of industry. To quantify energy savings from various energy conservation measures, the Department of Energy (DOE) sponsored the development of the Process Heating Assessment and Survey Tool (PHAST) and similar tools for other industrial systems in the early 2000s. It has been used extensively in the Save Energy Now Program’s Energy Savings Assessments and the Better Plants Program’s In-Plant Trainings. Since the initial development of the legacy tools, both computer operating systems and software development have evolved significantly. Thus, DOE has invested in the modernization of PHAST and other legacy software tools to create the Manufacturing Energy Assessment Software for Utility Reduction (MEASUR) tool suite. MEASUR offers a collection of software tools that can aid manufacturing facilities in improving the efficiency of energy systems and equipment (specifically pumps, fans, steam, and process heating) and in conducting “Energy Treasure Hunts”. Eventually, the tool will also add compressed air and process cooling systems. The Process Heating Assessment (PHA) module of MEASUR is an upgrade of the PHAST tool. PHA provides the means to model fuel-fired, steam-based, and electric process heating systems, covering process heating for most industrial plants in manufacturing sector. It also includes several key upgrades, including the ability to consider multi-component charge loads and account for several different areas of energy losses. The new tool includes a comprehensive flue gas calculator to quantify available heat and heat loss for various gaseous, liquid, and solid fuels and new heat loss calculators. It generates a report and a dynamic Sankey diagram to show the energy consumption in various areas of energy use. MEASUR has significantly improved the user experience by adopting a modern software design. This paper details the structure and workflow of PHA and presents a real-world case study to demonstrate energy savings quantification and MEASUR’s outstanding reporting capabilities.