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Quantum Monte Carlo study of lattice polarons in the two-dimensional three-orbital Su–Schrieffer–Heeger model...

by Shaozhi Liu, Steven S Johnston
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npj Quantum Materials
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The electron–lattice interaction gives rise to a rich set of phenomena in quantum materials. Microscopically, this interaction often arises from the modulation of orbital overlaps; however, many theoretical studies neglect such couplings. Here, we present an exact diagonalization and determinant quantum Monte Carlo study of a three-orbital Su–Schrieffer–Heeger (SSH) model, on a two-dimensional Lieb lattice and in the negative charge transfer regime. At half-filling (one hole/unit cell), we observe a bipolaron insulating phase with a bond-disproportionate lattice. This phase is robust against moderate hole doping but is suppressed at large hole concentrations, leading to a metallic polaron-liquid-like state with fluctuating patches of local distortions. We also find an s-wave superconducting state at large hole doping that primarily appears on the oxygen sublattice. Our work provides a non-perturbative view of SSH-type couplings in two dimensions with implications for materials where such couplings are dominant.