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Resonant Ionization Laser Ion Source for Radioactive Ion Beams...

Publication Type
Conference Paper
Journal Name
AIP Conference Proceedings
Publication Date
Page Numbers
141 to 145
Conference Name
20th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry
Conference Location
Fort worth, Texas, United States of America
Conference Date

A resonant ionization laser ion source based on all-solid-state, tunable Ti:Sapphire lasers is being developed for the production of pure radioactive ion beams. It consists of a hot-cavity ion source and three pulsed Ti:Sapphire lasers operating at a 10 kHz pulse repetition rate. Spectroscopic studies are being conducted to develop ionization schemes that lead to ionizing an excited atom through an auto-ionization or a Rydberg state for numerous elements of interest. Three-photon resonant ionization of 12 elements has been recently demonstrated. The overall efficiency of the laser ion source measured for some of these elements ranges from 1 to 40%. The results indicate that Ti:Sapphire lasers could be well suited for laser ion source applications. The time structures of the ions produced by the pulsed lasers are investigated. The information may help to improve the laser ion source performance.