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Separatrix-to-Wall Simulations of Impurity Transport with a Fully Three-Dimensional Wall in DIII-D

Publication Type
Journal Name
Fusion Science and Technology
Publication Date
Page Numbers
1 to 10

A novel multicode workflow to interpret collector probe deposition patterns in DIII-D has been developed. The components of the workflow consist of a detailed computer-aided-design file of the vessel wall and the scrape-off-layer (SOL) codes MAFOT, OSM, DIVIMP, and 3DLIM. A special-purpose toolkit enables passing the output of these codes among each other to provide a full-SOL picture of impurity transport. A demonstration of the workflow is described to support evidence of near-SOL tungsten parallel accumulation during trace W impurity experiments on DIII-D. Iteration between simulated deposition patterns in 3DLIM and DIVIMP predicts a region of elevated W density near the separatrix about halfway between the outboard midplane and the top of the plasma. This workflow will be used to better interpret collector probe experiments on DIII-D.