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SMAHTR - A Concept for a Small, Modular Advanced High Temperature Reactor...

Publication Type
Conference Paper
Publication Date
Conference Name
Fifth International Conference on High Temperature Reactor Technology HTR 2010
Conference Location
Prague, Czech Republic
Conference Date
Several new high temperature reactor concepts, referred to as Fluoride Salt Cooled High Temperature Reactors (FHRs), have been developed over the past decade. These FHRs use a liquid salt coolant combined with high temperature gas-cooled reactor fuels (TRISO) and graphite structural materials to provide a reactor that operates at very high temperatures and is scalable to large sizes – perhaps exceeding 2400 MWt. This paper presents a new small FHR – the Small Modular Advanced High Temperature Reactor or “SmAHTR”. SmAHTR is targeted at applications that require compact, high temperature heat sources – either for high efficiency electricity production or process heat applications. A preliminary SmAHTR concept has been developed that delivers 125 MWt of energy in an integral primary system design that places all primary and decay heat removal heat exchangers inside the reactor vessel. The current reactor baseline concept utilizes a prismatic fuel block core, but multiple removable fuel assembly concepts are under evaluation as well. The reactor vessel size is such that it can be transported on a standard tractor-trailer to support simplified deployment. This paper will provide a summary of the current SmAHTR system concept and on-going technology and system architecture trades studies.