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Tomographic Image Reconstruction for the Parallel-Slit Ring Collimator Fast Neutron Emission Tomography System...

by Paul A Hausladen, Mairead E Montague, Jinan Yang, Anagha Iyengar
Publication Type
ORNL Report
Publication Date

For the past three years, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has been developing a passive fast-neutron emission tomography capability. The goal of this development is the ability to quantify the neutron source strength of individual fuel pins (rods) in spent nuclear fuel assemblies. Such a system could be used to measure the burnup of each fuel pin in a spent fuel assembly in order to take burnup credit when loading dry storage casks or to count individual fuel pins in spent fuel assemblies for safeguards purposes. At present, a laboratory prototype imager is under construction. The purpose of this prototype is to demonstrate imaging capability sufficient to resolve individual fuel pins in spent fuel assemblies. This report documents the development of the iterative reconstruction code used to perform tomographic image reconstruction, the imager response calculation used by the reconstruction code, and the results of reconstructions of simulated tomographic imaging measurements for the prototype imager design.