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Tree tensor network approach to simulating Shor's algorithm...

by Eugen F Dumitrescu
Publication Type
Journal Name
Physical Review Letters
Publication Date

Constructively simulating quantum systems furthers our understanding of qualitative and quantitative features which may be analytically intractable. In this paper, we directly simulate and explore the entanglement structure present in the paradigmatic example for exponential quantum speedups: Shor's algorithm. To perform our simulation, we construct a dynamic tree tensor network which manifestly captures two salient circuit features for modular exponentiation. These are the natural two-register bipartition and the invariance of entanglement with respect to permutations of the top-register qubits. Our construction help identify the entanglement entropy properties, which we summarize by a scaling relation. Further, the tree network is efficiently projected onto a matrix product state from which we efficiently execute the quantum Fourier transform. Future simulation of quantum information states with tensor networks exploiting circuit symmetries is discussed.