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VERA Integration in the NEAMS Work-bench

by Matthew E Louis, Robert A Lefebvre, Aaron M Graham
Publication Type
ORNL Report
Publication Date

The Virtual Environment for Reactor Applications (VERA) is a cutting edge simulation code suite used to solve complex multiphysics problems for nuclear reactors. VERA makes use of high performance computing (HPC) systems to solve large problems that were not historically tractable. While extensive work has been put into the usability of VERA, it still takes significant effort to build reactor models, ensure their correctness, properly execute the calculations, and conduct the necessary analysis of the results. This difficulty is common for many complex codes such as VERA. As part of the Nuclear Energy Advanced Modeling and Simulation (NEAMS) program, the NEAMS Workbench has been developed and maintained. The goal of the NEAMS Workbench is to provide a single interface with which to execute a wide variety of physics codes, from building the input models to analyzing the results. This document serves as a manual detailing the current integration of VERA with the NEAMS Workbench and a guide for configuring Workbench to allow remote execution of VERA.