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A Verification and Validation Approach for COMSOL Multiphysics to Support High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR)...

by Trevor Howard, Prashant K Jain
Publication Type
ORNL Report
Publication Date

Over the last several decades, many reactors have successfully been converted from high enriched uranium (HEU) to low enriched uranium (LEU) fuels in United States in support of its global non-proliferation objectives. Of the reactors slated for conversion, five high-performance research reactors (HPRRs) remain. The high-flux isotope reactor (HFIR) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) is one of the five. Conversion of HFIR requires the qualification of a new fuel. To aid in the conversion process as well as improve safety margins, COMSOL Multiphysics was chosen to support and eventually supplement the steady-state heat-transfer code (SSHTC).
In order to use COMSOL as a supplementary tool, i.e. one used for safety basis calculations, the code needs to undergo a verification and validation process. Verification and validation are important processes for the use of any software; however, physics-based solvers have a unique challenge, in that the validation is much more rigorous and its domain is only applicable to the general scope of the problem.
This document details the verification and validation of COMOSL for analysis of HFIR. This report is intended for two different users: (1) current and future users of COMSOL for HFIR and (2) for individuals interested in assessing the scope of the validation of COMSOL for HFIR.
This report is divided into six sections. The first of which details the process of verification and validation. Section one provides an overview of key concepts from ASME V&V 10, 20, and 40 and how these concepts are used to provide a validation of any multiphysics software. Section two covers the approach needed in order to validate multiphysics software for a given HFIR analysis. Parts three through five split up the key concepts highlighted in section two. The final section provides concluding remarks which demonstrate the scope and limitations of the validation study and how these may be expanded and improved.
The purpose of this report is three-fold:
(1) It outlines the process and steps required for validation of any commercial multiphysics tool, and the steps needed to be taken by the user,
(2) It highlights the validation efforts and limitations of the validation problems simulated with COMSOL and their corresponding experiments,
(3) It instils confidence for the validity of COMSOL as a safety basis tool for the use in HFIR.
As a final note, this document should be viewed as a living document updated regularly as more knowledge is gained and the code is tested on more problems and results become available in the future. Procedures may change and better recommendations may be made with further implementation and use of the code.