C. Hoffmann

Christina M Hoffmann

Neutron Scattering Scientist, Sr., Single Crystal Diffraction and Crosscutting Science Initiative Coordinator for Chemistry, Geochemistry and Environmental Science

Using neutron scattering with emphasis on single crystal neutron diffraction to decipher the structure - property relationship in predominantly single crystalline materials. 

Exploring collaboration for scientific discovery in the role of science initiative coordinator for chemistry, geochemistry and environmental science.  

Summary of Competencies:

  • Understanding and excellence in single crystal science using neutron diffraction for functional, ferroelectric, multiferroic, materials; high pressure rock-forming phases, catalytic materials.
  • Serving on relevant advisory panels and committees for technical development and professional scientific associations
  • Securing funding for major equipment, new development and software from internal, national and international funding agencies and compute time at flagship research computing facilities.
  • Mentoring and co-mentoring internally and externally funded students, graduate students, post-doctoral researchers and collaborative research appointments 
  • Developing a place for innovation and a living interchange of ideas 
  • Management, conception, modeling, design, fabrication, build and commissioning of a now thriving first-generation neutron scattering instrument, the TOPAZ time-of-flight Laue single crystal neutron diffractometer at the Spallation Neutron Source, at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.



  • Developing a successful science program for single crystal neutron diffraction
  • Organizing national and international conferences, meetings and workshops or sessions and tutorials for topical and general neutron science and instrument development efforts and user community development
  • Publishing scientific results in peer reviewed journals, invited and topical presentations 
  • Chairing and participating in laboratory wide and NSD relevant committees
  • Reporting pertinent results, updating stakeholders, securing science community engagement and feedback
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