
Danny P Schappel

Danny’s work focuses on thermo-mechanical simulations of TRISO based fuel using the BISON code. At UTK, this focused on the fully encapsulated microceramic (FCM) fuel for light water reactors as part of the accident tolerant fuels (ATF) campaign. At ORNL, the application shifted to gas reactors as part of the transformational challenge reactor (TCR) program. With the concluding of the TCR program, work continues to support industry partners as they develop reactor technology for various applications. Specialties include crack propagation and techniques for meshing unusual geometry.

Certain aspects of BISON such as unmeshed contact and diffusion are lacking compared to other codes. However, the organization of the BISON code allows for the user to develop models and new physics with a reasonable degree of ease. This provides options for the user to investigate unusual behavior.