David S. Parker

David S Parker

Group Leader, Materials Theory

David S. Parker is Distinguished Staff Scientist and Group Leader for Materials Theory at Oak Ridge National Laboratory and serves as Lead for the “Developing Substitutes” Focus Area of the DOE AMMTO-funded Critical Materials Innovation Hub. He joined Oak Ridge in 2010 following postdoctoral work at the Naval Research Laboratory and obtained his Ph.D. in Physics from the Univ. of Southern California in 2006.  In his CMI Leadership role he oversees some 6 M USD in DOE-sponsored research at Ames, Idaho, Oak Ridge and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories. He applies first principles methods to some of the most difficult energy-related materials sciences challenges facing the Nation today, including in particular new permanent magnets. 

Group Leader, Materials Theory Group, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, October 2020 - present

Lead "Developing Substitutes", Critical Materials Innovation Hub, July 2020 - Present

Staff Scientist, Oak RIdge National Laboratory, May 2010 - present

Ph.D., Condensed Matter Physics, Univ. of Southern California, May 2006

B.A. Physics, Harvard College, June 1988

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