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G Ted Boyd

R&D Mechanical Engineer

Ted Boyd, Mechanical Engineer in Remote Systems Group of the Fusion Energy Division at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory since 2016, received his Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering in 1985: University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering/Engineering Management in 2011: University of Tennessee, Knoxville.

Registered Professional Engineer: States of Tennessee and Hawai’i

Prior to joining ORNL his experience mechanical engineering experience includes working for Siemens molecular imaging division, for ARC Automotive on airbag inflators, on HVAC compressors for Bristol Compressors, and as a test engineer for Pratt & Whitney’s rocket engine department.

Currently working in the Remote Systems Group as lead engineer for the plasma material interaction chamber and the target exchange chamber/cart.  Also working to support fusion and fission projects at ORNL currently and in since 2016.

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