Ivan Vlassiouk

Ivan V Vlassiouk

Research Scientist

R&D scientist with a multidisciplinary background in material science, chemistry, and physics.

  • Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)
  • Large-scale 2D materials synthesis
  • 2D Materials based applications and devices
  • Development of advanced materials
  • Bio- and Chemical Sensing;
  • Electrochemical Energy storage
  • Design and application of unique experimental techniques

Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry, New Mexico State University, NM, USA, 2006

BS/MS in Chemistry, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2000


1. US 11335975B1, Proton selective membranes based on two-dimensional materials, 2022
2. US 10,676,586 B2, Nanocomposite Additives Based on Graphene Sheets and Silica Nanofibers, 2020
3. US JP KR CN DE WO 13/734,823, High-quality large scale single and multilayer graphene production by chemical vapor deposition, 2018
4. US 14/217,759, Graphene reinforced materials and related methods of manufacture, 2018
5. US 14/0021133 Apparatus and methods for nanoporous inorganic membranes and films, methods of making and usage thereof, 2018
6. US 18/0187331 Continuous single crystal growth of graphene. 2019
7. US 16/0250596 Modulation of ion transport in a liquid by application of an electric potential on a mesoporous carbon membrane 2015
8. US 16/0207798 Nanoporous graphene membrane for desalination of salt water 2019