
Joon-Seok Kim

R&D Scientist



Dr. Joon-Seok Kim is an R&D Scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, National Security Sciences Directorate, focusing on geospatial science and location intelligence. He won multiple awards and competitions including the first place of ACM SIGSPATIAL Cup 2019 and Best Paper Award Runner-Up of IEEE MDM 2020. He obtained his PhD in Computer Science from Pusan National University, South Korea. He worked at multiple institutions including Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, George Mason University, and United Nation Global Service Centre. During his PhD, he worked at Integrated Media Systems Center in University of Southern California as an external collaborator. He has served the academic community in geoinformation science and simulation as a general chair, a PC chair, a track chair, and a PC member. His research areas include data science, AI/ML, modeling and simulation, GIS, and location privacy.

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