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Nurul Huda

Postdoctoral Research Associate



Dr. Nurul Huda is an experimental condensed matter physicist specialized in quantum nanomaterials processing, sub-Kelvin cryogenics and superconducting circuits measurement, expert in materials characterization at atomic level precision with the scanning tunneling microscopy technique. Along with low temperature physics, his emphasis in research has been fabricating designer quantum materials platform which has potential to enable topological quantum computing. The class of materials includes conventional, unconventional, topological superconductors and 2-dimensional ferromagnetic materials and superconductors. Likes working in dynamic work environment, a great communicator, social and sports enthusiastic person. 

(Jan. 2017- Jan. 2021)    PhD in Engineering Physics by Aalto University, Finland.

(Sep. 2014- Oct. 2016)   MSc in Engineering Physics by Aalto University, Finland.

(Feb. 2009- Aug. 2013)  BSc in Physics by Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh. 

(Oct. 2023-present)         Postdoctoral Research Associate, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA.

(Feb. 2021-Aug. 2023)     Scientist, Bluefors Oy.

Low temperature Scanning Tunneling microscopy.