RG portrait

Rong-Li Geng

Distinguished scientist and group leader, SRF Group

Rongli Geng is the SRF Group Leader in Accelerator System Section, Research Accelerator Division. He joined ORNL as a distinguished scientist in February 2021. Prior to joining ORNL, Dr. Geng worked at DOE’s Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab) for 14 years in its SRF Institute from 2007 to 2021 and at Cornell University’s Laboratory of Nuclear Studies (later Laboratory for Elementary Particle Physics) for 10 years in its SRF Group from 1997 to 2007. His work covered a broad range of basic SRF R&D and made contributions to a number of operational and future accelerators depending on the SRF technology, including CESR, Muon Collider, Cornell ERL injector, CEBAF, high-luminosity LHC, LCLS-II, and ILC. Dr. Geng served as the ILC Cavity Group Leader under GDE and a Guest Editor of SUST special issue on SRF for accelerators. He is a Technical Board member of the TESLA Technology Collaboration and a member of ILC IDT WG2 SRF group. His current interests lie in high reliable SRF systems for fundamental research; robust and economical SRF systems for societal benefits, in particular low-carbon energy production and medical applications; and innovative use of SRF cavities to levitate and trap nanoparticle for QIS. He graduated at Peking University with B.Sc. ’91 in physics and Ph.D. ’96 in nuclear physics.