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Tom K Roche

Research Reactors Maintenance Engineer


The HFIR Maintenance Engineer is responsible for maintaining the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) equipment and facilities to ensure safe, reliable, predictable, and efficient operations. This scope includes the HFIR maintenance program and processes; implementation of corrective, predictive, preventative work activities; and scheduling and outage management. The Maintenance Engineer carries out assignments as prescribed by the Maintenance Engineering Lead.

 Major Duties and Responsibilities:

 Maintenance Planning and Task Leading

Develop written work package directions to perform and document maintenance work for repetitive, corrective maintenance, and modification activities, on both nuclear safety related and non-nuclear equipment in an operating reactor facility.

Identify risks to either personnel or plant and work with RRD and other personnel to plan appropriate risk mitigation, including those concerning health physics, industrial hygiene, and safety.

Understand and implement human performance principles in the planning of maintenance work packages.

Assure that UT-Battelle policies concerning environmental protection, safety, ALARA, and quality assurance are considered and complied with.

Determine the required specifications for materials, and request/coordinate the procurement of required material.

Provides field work technical direction to craft supervisors and craft. Coordinates with equipment and facility management to accomplish work safely and with efficient use of resources.


Maintenance Coordination and Scheduling

Administer the Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) for a given area (mechanical/electrical or instrument & controls) including the processing and initial task assignment or the administration of individual work activities.

Responsible for analyzing maintenance practices and procedures, equipment failures, identifying equipment operating and reporting results as assigned.