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G-Mode SPM

G-mode Controller and Software for Scanning Probe Microscopy

FAFM GMode 00

General mode (G-Mode) atomic force microscopy is based on information-theory analysis of the direct data stream coming from the microscope photodetector. It allows for full exploration of complex tip-sample interaction reconstruction into mapping of multidimensional material properties.


  • Frequency bandwidth: Hz-MHz
  • LabVIEW software controls the gathering and saving of full photodiode data stream at 4MS/s.
  • Compatible with all AFM platforms.


Increasing the temporal resolution of electrical AFM modes such as Kelvin Probe force microscopy down to the µs time scale (has been applied to solar materials and polymers)

Allowing AI/ML analysis technique to work on big data type microscopy datasets in all spatio-temporal dimensions overcoming classical lock-in and phase locked loop processing.



L. Collins et al. Breaking the Time Barrier in Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy: Fast Free Force Reconstruction Using the G-Mode Platform (2017)

A. Belianinov et al. Complete information acquisition in dynamic force microscopy (2015)

L. Collins et al. Full data acquisition in Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy: Mapping dynamic electric phenomena in real space (2016).


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