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Nion UltraSTEM 100


The Nion UltraSTEM 100 provides atomic resolution imaging and spectroscopy with single atom sensitivity at middle and low voltage.


  • Cold field emission gun
  • 3rd generation C3/C5 aberration corrector
  • 60-100kV operation
  • <1Å spatial resolution at 100 kV
  • <1.1Å spatial resolution at 60 kV
  • >0.5nA of current with atom-sized probe
  • <350meV energy resolution at 100 kV
  • Gatan Enfina EELS
  • Ultra-stable sample stage
  • Up to 5 samples can be loaded/exchanged with no vacuum degradation
  • Flexible electron optics (diffraction and CTEM modes)
Fig 1
Atomically localized plasmon enhancement in monolayer graphene due to substitutional Si and N atoms
