How to Play Games and Increase Your Chances of Winning Using Quantum Strategies

Dr. Sarah Chehade , Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Abstract: A main source of quantum advantages and speed-ups is the phenomenon of quantum entanglement, which allows parties at a distance to correlate their behaviors.  However, entanglement-assisted strategies are hard to understand and give rise to deep mathematical problems.  As a result, the full potential of entanglement remains mysterious. 

Quantum non-local games have emerged as a fascinating field within quantum information science.  It provides a rigorous and mathematical framework offering insights into the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics and explores the perplexing power and limitations of entanglement.

In this talk, I will explain what quantum entanglement is and mathematically define a general cooperative game framework.  I will highlight known classical and quantum strategies to emphasize how the right choice of strategy influences the likelihood of winning a game.  If time permits, I will discuss applications of non-local games in physics, computer science, and operator algebra (mathematics).

 Speaker’s Bio: Sarah Chehade is currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Quantum Computational Science Group.  Her vast research interests include mathematical characterizations of quantum variational algorithms, Lie theory, operator algebras, non-local game theory, and characterizations of various quantum entropies.  Prior to her appointment at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, she completed her Ph.D. at the Mathematics Department at the University of Houston focusing on sharpening quantum relative entropy inequalities.

June 22
9:00am - 10:00am