Dr. Jorge Ramirez

Mathematica Tutorial

Dr. Jorge Ramirez , Oak Ridge National Laboratory

In this tutorial, I will give a tour of how Mathematica and the Wolfram Language can be used for functional programming, symbolic and numerical computation, as well as a system to produce computable, interactive documents. Starting from the basic operations, the user interface, and the notebook environment, I will highlight some of the main uses of Mathematica as a tool to easily formulate and solve problems in calculus, algebra, differential equations, networks, machine learning, probability, and statistics. We will also show some of the most relevant features of the Wolfram Language, its principles, structure, and syntax. Then, we will see some of Mathematica’s main visualization resources including tools for easily creating interactive content. In the last part of the tutorial, we will show how Mathematica can be used to easily perform computations in parallel over single or multiple machines.

November 03
9:00am - 10:00am
Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Jorge is an applied mathematician, educator, and researcher. He was born and raised in Medellín, Colombia, where he attended engineering school. Later he obtained a Ph.D. degree in Mathematics at Oregon State University and held a postdoctoral position at the mathematics department of The University of Arizona. From 2009 until 2021, Jorge worked as an associate professor in mathematics in his hometown, at Universidad Nacional de Colombia. He joined the Systems and Decision Sciences group at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in February 2022 to conduct interdisciplinary research in the theory, modeling, and computation of stochastic processes applied to the natural and life sciences. Jorge is a long-time user and certified instructor of the Wolfram Language and was awarded a Wolfram Innovator Award in 2008.