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761 - 770 of 980 Results

A combination of X-ray and neutron scattering has revealed new insights into how a highly efficient industrial enzyme is used to break down cellulose. Knowing how oxygen molecules (red) bind to catalytic elements (illustrated by a single copper ion).
Producing biofuels like ethanol from plant materials requires various enzymes to break down the cellulosic fibers. Scientists using neutron scattering have identified the specifics of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction that could significantly reduce the total amount of enzymes used, impro...
Ben Doughty
No two scientists have the same story about how they ended up in their field. Some people seem to have been born scientists; others develop their love for it as budding minds full of curiosity. Then there are those who don’t discover science until later in life, but when they do, the...
Claus Daniel, director of the Sustainable Transportation program at ORNL. Photo by Carlos Jones, ORNL.

Claus Daniel was initially attracted to the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory by its reputation as a world leader in materials research. What has kept him at the lab is the opportunity to work with experts across many disciplines using the latest tools to convey ba...

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Xin Sun spent her early career helping define a new scientific field, and now she plans to use her technical and managerial experience to expand the capabilities of Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s (ORNL) Energy and Transportation Science Division (ETSD) as she steps in as division director. Xin t...

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While serving in Kandahar, Afghanistan, U.S. Navy construction mechanic Matthew Sallas may not have imagined where his experience would take him next. But researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory certainly had the future in mind as they were creating programs to train men and wome...

Colleen Iversen
Colleen Iversen’s quest to understand the world below ground has taken her to remarkably diverse ecosystems above ground. The ecosystem ecologist came to the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory in 2003 as a graduate student working on a large-scale carbon dioxide-e...
Alex Dumitrache collaborates with plant biologists, geneticists and other scientists in ORNL's bioinformatics and microscopy groups.
As an undergraduate at Toronto’s Ryerson University, Alexandru “Alex” Dumitrache initially studied chemistry and biology with an eye toward a career in medicine—until a class in industrial biotechnology opened his mind to other possibilities. Today his work as a microbial physiologi...
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“Electrical” bacteria are the key ingredient in a new process developed by the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory that recycles wastewater from biofuel production to generate hydrogen. The hydrogen can then be used to convert bio-oil into higher grade liquid fuels such ...
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The personal satisfaction of helping bright young people see a future for themselves isn’t the only thing driving mentors of the FIRST Robotics program at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). Those volunteers are also helping build tomorrow’s maker workforce. FIRST (For Inspiration...
Researcher Amy Elliott and the ExOne binder jet printer at the Manufacturing Demonstration Facility.

As an engineer and a science communicator, Amy Elliott wants to learn how stuff works, and she wants you to learn about it too. The researcher studies inkjet-based additive manufacturing at the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory—specifically how new materials ...